Much of what we do and who we are is based within our childhood. Therefore, our childhood experiences are our foundation.
- This can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances.
- A good, positive, nurturing foundation will lead to a subconscious set of actions, reactions, and behavior patterns that prepare us well for life’s challenges, obstacles, dilemmas, and conundrums.
- However, a poor, negative, non-nurturing foundation will lead to just the opposite—a subconscious set of actions, reactions, and behavior patterns that will fail to adequately prepare us for life’s challenges, obstacles, dilemmas, and conundrums.
- And while it’s impossible (at least at the moment) to go back and delete negative or non-nurturing experiences from the past (I.E., from childhood), it is possible to go back and “edit” how those experiences affect us in the present and future.
- In other words, while you may or may not be able to go back and delete the actual experience from the past, you can (and, I would argue, should) delete your appraisal and lessons learned from that experience.

“Regression Analysis” is a Freudian methodology that allows us to do this.
- Regression Analysis allows us to “edit” how our past experiences affect us.
- Regression Analysis allows us to see those experiences from an adult, mature, seasoned set of eyes, vantage points, and perspectives that were unavailable at the time of the original experience.
- The only thing that is required is your willingness to put fear and anxiety aside and go back inside of your mind’s recording of the experience.
- Willingness is often the largest barrier for most clients.
- Most people are unwilling to relive negative past experiences.
- That fear that keeps them from overcoming the remnants of their past baggage.
- You don’t have to be like “most people”.
- You can be “more”.
- Let’s face and overcome your past!